Adjust Action Center Slider

Can we get an update to the Action Center's slider feature?

Microsoft Edge does support customization options for the Action Center’s slider feature. Here’s how you can adjust it to your liking:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge: Launch Microsoft Edge on your device. Ensure you are running the latest version.

  2. Access Settings: Click on the three horizontal dots in the upper right corner of the browser window. This will open the Settings menu.

  3. Click on Appearance: In the Settings menu, select Appearance from the left pane.

  4. Customize Action Center Slider: Under the Appearance section, locate the System Monitoring option. From here, you can toggle the slider to adjust its sensitivity or completely turn it off.

  5. Save Changes: Once you’ve adjusted the slider to your preference, close the Settings window. Your changes should now be applied.

Additional Tips:

  • Adjusting Slider Sensitivity: You can increase or decrease the slider’s sensitivity to suit your needs. For instance, if you want more detailed system monitoring, move the slider to the right. For less detailed monitoring, move it to the left.

  • Turning Slider Off: If you find the slider feature intrusive or unnecessary, you can toggle it off entirely. This will remove the slider from your system tray.

By following these steps, you should be able to adjust the Action Center slider to your liking.